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Outreach & Enrollment

Medi-Cal Redeterminations

Posted: June 21, 2023

On February 17, 2023, DHCS began mailing an outreach letter to Medi-Cal members to inform them of the steps they must take to minimize their risk of losing Medi-Cal health coverage throughout the annual Medi-Cal renewals process. The letter can be accessed here in all Medi-Cal threshold languages. Access resources related to Medi-Cal redeterminations below.

DHCS Outreach Toolkit: Access call scripts, draft emails, website alert text, printable flyers & posters, social media graphics (like those at right), and more are all available for your use in 19 languages.

DHCS Keep Your Coverage Webpage: Access DHCS’ consumer-focused webpage focused on assisting communities with Medi-Cal coverage retention throughout the redetermination process.

DHCS Coverage Ambassadors: Sign up to receive the latest alerts and updates directly from DHCS.

DHCS Medi-Cal Redeterminations Mailer: Access the mailer DHCS sent to all Medi-Cal beneficiaries in March and April 2023 outlining steps consumers can take to retain their coverage.

BAILA Network Medi-Cal Renewals Flyer: Access a flyer from the BAILA Network detailing steps Angelenos can take to keep their coverage (available in multiple languages)

L.A. Care Medi-Cal Redeterminations Provider Toolkit 

L.A. Care Medi-Cal Redeterminations Toolkit for Street Medicine Providers

DPSS Medi-Cal Redeterminations Resources 

Health Care Consumer Alliance Keep Your Coverage Webpage: Access Medi-Cal renewals resources and detailed information for both providers and patients.


BenefitsCal Resources

Posted: January 18, 2023

BenefitsCal helps consumers apply for and manage the benefits with CalFresh, Medi-Cal, County Medical Services Program (CMSP), CalWORKs, General Assistance/Relief (GA/GR), and the Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI). In 2022, Los Angeles County transitioned to BenefitsCal – which replaced the previous website (Your Benefits Now).

Resources for CBOs

BenefitsCal allows for CBO assisters to access their own CBO portal within the BenefitsCal system. CBO accounts in BenefitsCal will be set up with a “manager” role. This CBO Manager Account will be able to create assister accounts/logins for other people in their organization. They can also track and manage applications developed by the assister accounts that they create. Check this webpage for regular updates to the resources highlighted below. Access the latest BenefitsCal & CalSAWS Advocates newsletter HERE.

Resources for Consumers

UPDATE (5/10/24): Case Linking and Two-Step Verification

  • Case Linking and Two-Step Verification: As of April 25, case linking has been restored for BenefitsCal.
  • If a user receives a passcode and they were not logging in to BenefitsCal, they must go to BenefitsCal and change their password. Click here to access a quick guide on two-step verification.Multi Two-step verification is mandated for all BenefitsCal account logins for both customers and CBOs.
  • BenefitsCal Security Update slide deck – March 2024
  • BenefitsCal Case Link Two-Step Verification slide deck – April 2024

BenefitsCal Release of Information (ROI)

  • BenefitsCal ROI Demo Video (downloaded from SharePoint)
  • BenefitsCal ROI Flow Chart (updated regularly)
  • Applicant/Recipient Authorization for Release of Information to CBO in BenefitsCal Form (ABCDM 299) – access the form in English here.
    • ABCDM 229 is available in Spanish, Armenian, Russian, and Vietnamese here. (Additional threshold language translations pending.)

Public Charge Resources

Posted: September 1, 2020

New Public Charge Final Rule

The Biden Administration finalized a new public charge regulation in September 2022, increasing protections for immigrant families. The final rule went into effect on December 23, 2022. It restores previous policies including the exclusion of Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California) when determining the use of public benefits, with the exception of long-term institutionalized care. View the list of resources from government entities and partner organizations below to help advocates, community members, and more understand and navigate public charge.

Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF)

Benefits Access for Immigrants – Los Angeles (BAILA)

BAILA supports immigrant families and essential workers to access the public benefits they need to stay healthy and strong. Access the website HERE.

California Health & Human Services Agency

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County (NLSLA)

  • Public Charge Hotline (for information or a referral. Free & Confidential): 1-800-433-6251 (LA County)

Legal Resources 


Immigration Resources

Posted: November 18, 2019

Public Charge Resources

Click HERE for CCALAC’s Public Charge Resources library.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)

On July 16, 2021, a Federal District Court judge in Texas issued a ruling in Texas v. U.S. limiting the DACA program and declaring it unlawful. Effective immediately, the court’s decision prohibits the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) from approving any new DACA applications. While new applications will no longer be approved, renewals will continue to move forward. It is also important to note that individuals who currently have DACA will keep their protections, and pending renewal applications will be processed normally.

CA PIF Outreach & Communications Workgroup Patient-Facing Materials

CPCA leads an Outreach & Communications Workgroup under the CA-PIF efforts – they have created three community-facing documents to help consumers navigate the health system, prepare for a meeting with an attorney around public charge and information about how to obtain COVID-19 testing and services. Resources are also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog and Korean.

Training Request: Promoting Safe Access to Care for California Immigrants

The California Protecting Immigrant Families (PIF) Coalition’s Outreach and Communications Workgroup formed an online training request form for partners to request trainings based on their communities’ needs. The overarching message of the trainings is simply that California immigrants and undocumented individuals are eligible to use public services such as COVID-19 testing, treatment and vaccines, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, WIC, Head Start, Food Banks and more. Request a training here. 

CPCA – “Know Your Rights” Resources

Visit CPCA’s Know Your Rights Immigration Resources page to learn more about how to support you health center in protecting immigrant communities from ICE. Resources include Know Your Rights resources in multiple languages and CPCA’s Immigration toolkit for health centers.

CHIRLA Immigrant Assistance Toll Free Help Line: 888-624-4752

The CHIRLA Community Education team is prepared to answer questions with referral information for patients who may feel sick or may not know what to do. COVID-19 posters with information and CHIRLA’s help line can be downloaded in English and Spanish. 

CIPC COVID-19 Resource Guide for Immigrants in California

Click HERE for the California Immigrant and Policy Center’s Resource Guide for Immigrants in California.

Doctors for Immigrants: “Sanctuary Hospital” Project

Enforcement-Related Resources

Memo on Sponsor Responsibilities

Know Your Rights Resources

Health Center Immigration Policies & Procedures

“Sensitive Locations” Guidance and Resources

LA County

City of Los Angeles


Find an Immigration Attorney

Post-Election Advocacy Resources

Posted: December 13, 2016

The following is a collection of advocacy resources that can be used when speaking to patients, staff, elected officials, and other external stakeholders.

Please be sure to check for updates throughout the year.


Resources for a Successful Voter Registration Campaign

Posted: August 16, 2016

A volunteer at Westside Family Health Center does voter registration during National Health Center Week 2016.
A volunteer at Westside Family Health Center does voter registration during National Health Center Week 2016.

In Los Angeles County, community health centers are in a unique position to increase voter registration and get out the vote because of the their deep ties to the community.

There are many things to consider when planning a voter registration and voter engagement campaign. Since community health centers are 501(c)3s and health care providers, there are certain legal requirements they must adhere to comply with their tax exempt status and to be considerate to their patients privacy.

Updated Family PACT Client Eligibility Determination

Posted: November 12, 2015

This week’s featured resource is the recently updated Family PACT Client Eligibility Determination Policy and eligibility forms!

The October Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment (Family PACT) update bulletin was posted to the Medi-Cal website on October 16, and includes important updates to the Client Eligibility Determination Policy.

Effective November 1, 2015, the Family PACT program’s eligibility determination policy has been updated to reflect the use of Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) counting rules for eligibility determination in order to comply with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and to clarify policy regarding other health coverage and confidentiality.

The Client Eligibility Certification (CEC) form (DHCS 4461) and the Retroactive Eligibility Certification (REC) form (DHCS 4001), have been updated to reflect these changes, effective November 1. The forms can be found, in English and Spanish, on the Family PACT website. Please note that the new language on the forms refers to taxable household income and claimed dependents, which may be more confusing for some patients than the old forms.