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Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County

JEDI Informed Facilitation

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Meetings are places where our commitments to justice, equity, and inclusion are tested by how well our meetings are designed, how well we can balance participation, and how well we can facilitate group dynamics. Inclusive facilitators need to bring JEDI skills into two phases of a meeting: Phase One: the planning phase of the meeting … Continue reading JEDI Informed Facilitation


Motivational Interviewing Training for Beginners

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Attendees at this three-day training will learn foundational Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills and engage in 2-3 different exercises, per skill domain, to reinforce learning. Concepts include: the Spirit of MI; the four processes of MI; values work; assessing client communication (sustain talk, change talk, discord); open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries (OARS); and the establishment of … Continue reading Motivational Interviewing Training for Beginners


Incident Command System 100, 200, and 700

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This course will provide foundational knowledge and skills necessary to understand and function within the National Incident Management System (NIMS) with the application of the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS). Incorporation of the Incident Command System (ICS)/Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) into community health centers enables cross-sector collaboration and support, including emergency resource requests and … Continue reading Incident Command System 100, 200, and 700


CalAIM Workgroup


To RSVP for this meeting, click HERE. Visit the CalAIM Workgroup Page for more information.


Fundamentals in Quality Improvement

The California Endowment 1000 Alameda St, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Join Institute for High Quality Care (IHQC) for the in-person return of our Fundamentals in QI program! This 2-part training program explores the basics of quality and process improvement science tools and strategies, including: PDSAs and root cause analysis approaches Project management templates Using data for improvement Scaling-up & accelerating change Managing the interpersonal side … Continue reading Fundamentals in Quality Improvement

Incident Command System 100, 200, and 700

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

This course will provide foundational knowledge and skills necessary to understand and function within the National Incident Management System (NIMS) with the application of the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS). Incorporation of the Incident Command System (ICS)/Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) into community health centers enables cross-sector collaboration and support, including emergency resource requests and … Continue reading Incident Command System 100, 200, and 700


Motivational Interviewing Training for Beginners

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Attendees at this three-day training will learn foundational Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills and engage in 2-3 different exercises, per skill domain, to reinforce learning. Concepts include: the Spirit of MI; the four processes of MI; values work; assessing client communication (sustain talk, change talk, discord); open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries (OARS); and the establishment of … Continue reading Motivational Interviewing Training for Beginners


Non-Violent Crisis Intervention®


The Non-Violent Crisis Intervention® (NCI) program is considered the worldwide standard for crisis prevention and intervention training. This two half-day virtual training (9am-12pm) and in-person training (9am-4:30pm) will teach clinic staff de-escalation techniques and intervention strategies for workplace violence prevention. The workshop includes independent self-paced content, lecture, and situation-based guided practice with certified instructors. Now … Continue reading Non-Violent Crisis Intervention®


Health Center Practices To Improve Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Screenings

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Screening webinar will include best practices, partnerships, workflows, and efforts from Los Angeles County clinics on screening implementation at their respective centers. Quality improvement … Continue reading Health Center Practices To Improve Breast Cancer and Colorectal Cancer Screenings


Finance Committee

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States