Federal Offices
Party | |||||
Dianne Feinstein | D | @SenFeinstein | SenatorFeinstein | ||
Kamala Harris | D | @SenKamalaHarris | SenatorKamalaHarris |
House of Representatives
Party | District | ||||
Kevin McCarthy | R | 23 | @GOPLeader | CongressmanKevinMcCarthy | @RepKevinMcCarthy |
Steve Knight | R | 25 | @SteveKnight25 | RepresentativeSteveKnight | @repsteveknight |
Judy Chu | D | 27 | @RepJudyChu | RepJudyChu | @RepJudyChu |
Adam Schiff | D | 28 | @RepAdamSchiff | RepAdamSchiff | @RepAdamSchiff |
Tony Cardenas | D | 29 | @RepCardenas | repcardenas | @repcardenas |
Brad Sherman | D | 30 | @BradSherman | CongressmanBradSherman | |
Grace Napolitano | D | 32 | @gracenapolitano | RepGraceNapolitano | @repgracenapolitano |
Ted Lieu | D | 33 | @RepTedLieu | RepTedLieu | @RepTedLieu |
Jimmy Gomez | D | 34 | @RepJimmyGomez | @RepJimmyGomez | |
Norma Torres | D | 35 | @NormaJTorres | RepNormaTorres | @repnormatorres |
Karen Bass | D | 37 | @RepKarenBass | RepKarenBass | @RepKarenBass |
Linda Sanchez | D | 38 | @replindasanchez | CongresswomanLindaSanchez | @replindasanchez |
Lucille Roybal-Allard | D | 40 | @RepRoybalAllard | RepRoybalAllard | @RepRoybalAllard |
Maxine Waters | D | 43 | @MaxineWaters | MaxineWaters | @repmaxinewaters |
Nanette Barragán | D | 44 | @RepBarragan | CongresswomanBarragan/a> | @repbarragan |
Alan Lowenthal | D | 47 | @RepLowenthal | RepLowenthal | @replowenthal |
Party | District | ||||
Robert Hertzberg | D | 18 | @hertzieLA | robert.hertzberg | @hertziela |
Connie Leyva | D | 20 | @SenatorLeyva | SenatorLeyva | |
Scott Wilk | R | 21 | @ScottWilkCA | ScottWilkCA | @senator_wilk |
Ed Hernandez | D | 22 | @dredhernandez | @dredhernandez | |
Kevin de León | D | 24 | @kdeleon @CAproTem | KevinDeLeonKDL | @kdeleon |
Anthony J. Portantino | D | 25 | @portantino | @portantino | @portantino/ |
Benjamin Allen | D | 26 | @BenAllenCA | benallencalifornia | @benjaminjballen |
Henry Stern | D | 27 | @henrysternca | HenrySternCA | @senatorhenry |
Holly Mitchell | D | 30 | @HollyJMitchell | holly.j.mitchell | @hollyjmitchell |
Tony Mendoza | D | 32 | @MrTonyMendoza | MrTonyMendoza | |
Ricardo Lara | D | 33 | @SenRicardoLara | SenatorRicardoLara | |
Steve Bradford | D | 35 | @SteveBradford | stevenbradford62 | @stevecbradford |
Assembly members
LA County Board of Supervisors
District | |||||
Hilda Solis | D | 1 | @HildaSolis | hildasolis | @hildalsolis |
Mark Ridley-Thomas | D | 2 | @mridleythomas | markridleythomas | @mridleythomas |
Sheila Kuehl | D | 3 | @SheilaKuehl | sjkuehl | |
Janice Hahn | D | 4 | @SupJaniceHahn | supjanicehahn | @supjanicehahn |
Kathryn Barger | R | 5 | @kathrynbarger | supervisorbarger |