General Resources
- LAPTN Community Resources Database
- NextGen PRAPARE Data Documentation and Codification Crosswalk
- SNI SDOH Resource Landscape
SDoH Clinical Operations Resources
- 211 San Diego CIE Toolkit
- FRAC Federal Nutrition Programs
- FRAC Prescription for Healthy Food
- LACHC Care Coordinator Job Description
- Maximize CalFresh Benefits with the Standard Medical Deduction
- NEVHC Pop-Up Produce Market Waiver
- NOPREN Food Insecurity Screening Algorithm for Pediatric Patients
- NEVHC PRAPARE Tool Cheat Sheet
Aunt Bertha Toolkit for Community Resources
SDoH Research and Reports
- Exploring the Feasibility of Implementing Healthy Food Pantries in LA
- Food Recovery and Distribution in LA
- Health Equity Messaging Guide
Food Access Resources
Nutrition Access LA Resources
Food Pantries by Service Planning Area (SPA)
- SPA1 Food Pantries
- SPA2 Food Pantries
- SPA3 Food Pantries
- SPA4 Food Pantries
- SPA5 Food Pantries
- SPA6 Food Pantries
- SPA7 Food Pantries
- SPA8 Food Pantries
Transportation Resources
Clinic Templates
LA Metro Low Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) Program and Transit Access Pass (TAP) Resources
- Transit Access Pass
- TAP Vendor Flyer
- TAP Agency Application
- TAP Token Alternatives Flyer
- TAP Publication LIFE Directory
- TAP Metro Fare Products
Health Outreach Partners Transportation & Health Access Toolkit
Environmental Health
Coming soon
Digital Equity
Coming soon