On February 17, 2023, DHCS began mailing an outreach letter to Medi-Cal members to inform them of the steps they must take to minimize their risk of losing Medi-Cal health coverage throughout the annual Medi-Cal renewals process. The letter can be accessed here in all Medi-Cal threshold languages. Access resources related to Medi-Cal redeterminations below.
DHCS Outreach Toolkit: Access call scripts, draft emails, website alert text, printable flyers & posters, social media graphics (like those at right), and more are all available for your use in 19 languages.
DHCS Keep Your Coverage Webpage: Access DHCS’ consumer-focused webpage focused on assisting communities with Medi-Cal coverage retention throughout the redetermination process.
DHCS Coverage Ambassadors: Sign up to receive the latest alerts and updates directly from DHCS.
DHCS Medi-Cal Redeterminations Mailer: Access the mailer DHCS sent to all Medi-Cal beneficiaries in March and April 2023 outlining steps consumers can take to retain their coverage.
BAILA Network Medi-Cal Renewals Flyer: Access a flyer from the BAILA Network detailing steps Angelenos can take to keep their coverage (available in multiple languages)
L.A. Care Medi-Cal Redeterminations Provider Toolkit
L.A. Care Medi-Cal Redeterminations Toolkit for Street Medicine Providers
DPSS Medi-Cal Redeterminations Resources
Health Care Consumer Alliance Keep Your Coverage Webpage: Access Medi-Cal renewals resources and detailed information for both providers and patients.