Census 2020: Make Health Centers Count

Posted: July 10, 2019
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On this page, you will find information, flyers, and materials from both CCALAC and other trusted organizations. These resources are meant to educate, engage, and inform your staff, patients, and community members on Census 2020.

CCALAC Resources

COVID-19 Updates

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Census Bureau is adapting and delaying some of their operations to protect the health and safety of their staff and the public while still ensuring a complete count. The window for field data collection and self-response has been extended to September 30, 2020. Please click the link below outlining operational adjustments and updates:

Census Materials for Health Centers
Talking Points
Census Workgroup

If your clinic plans to engage in census activities and has not already identified a lead, please send your Census 2020 point person(s) contact information to Erika Rogers at erogers@ccalac.org to be included in census related correspondence. CCALAC members engaged in census activities, outreach, and education can participate in our monthly workgroup that provides a platform for members to hear census updates, share best practices, and have a forum to discuss what each clinic is doing in the census sphere.

Census 2020 Information for Patients/Community Members

Census 101 Background and Information
Census Informational Videos
Census Privacy and Confidentiality
Questionnaire Assistance Center (QAC)/Questionnaire Action Kiosk (QAK) Information
Counting the Homeless
Counting Young Children
Impact on Health Care

Please contact Erika Rogers at erogers@ccalac.org with any questions.