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Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County

Nonviolent Crisis Intervention®

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (NCI) program is considered the worldwide standard for crisis prevention and intervention training. This two day in-person training will teach clinic staff de-escalation techniques and intervention … Continue reading Nonviolent Crisis Intervention®


Nonviolent Crisis Intervention®

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention® (NCI) program is considered the worldwide standard for crisis prevention and intervention training. This two day in-person training will teach clinic staff de-escalation techniques and intervention strategies for workplace violence prevention. The workshop includes independent self-paced content, lecture, and situation-based guided practice with certified instructors.  By the end of the training, … Continue reading Nonviolent Crisis Intervention®



Healthcare Disaster Management Training

LA General Medical Center 1200 North State Street, Rm 1350, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Does your healthcare facility need training on surge capacity management for natural hazards and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) incidents? Join us for Healthcare Disaster Management Training, an in-depth two-day session that is a product of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Emergency Medical Services Agency’s Disaster Resource Center Program. This … Continue reading Healthcare Disaster Management Training


Healthcare Disaster Management Training

LA General Medical Center 1200 North State Street, Rm 1350, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Does your healthcare facility need training on surge capacity management for natural hazards and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) incidents? Join us for Healthcare Disaster Management Training, an in-depth two-day session that is a product of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Emergency Medical Services Agency’s Disaster Resource Center Program. This … Continue reading Healthcare Disaster Management Training