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Advancing Financial Strength Project

AFS 102: Using Performance Evaluation Profiles/County Aggregates

Posted: December 5, 2019

On December 5th, CCALAC hosted a webinar in which participants received updated CCALAC financial and operational trends compared to California, national, and other California metro health center peers. This overview helps health centers understand the significant progress achieved since the program launched as well as provide strategies to address ongoing challenges. Participants also learned how to use the benchmarking toolkit and performance evaluation profiles. Including training on calculating metrics and trends and understanding and communicating their meaning. While primarily intended for staff and/or health centers who have not participated in a similar program previously, those looking for a refresher are encouraged to attend. The webinar, slides, & materials are available below:

AFS 102 Using Performance Evaluation Profiles/ County Aggregates Webinar

AFS 102: Using Performance Evaluation Profiles/ County Aggregates Webinar Slides


AFS 101: Introduction to the Benchmarks Webinar

Posted: December 5, 2019

On November 19th, CCALAC hosted a webinar that provides participants with an introduction to the Advancing the Financial Strength of Los Angeles Clinics program and curriculum. It covers the concepts essential to clinic financial strength, including current industry trends and challenges, the importance of benchmarking, and key financial and operational performance indicators to track and include on dashboards. This session also highlights real-world connections to operations planning. The webinar, slides, & materials are available below:

AFS 101: Introduction to the Benchmarks Webinar

AFS 101: Introduction to the Benchmarks Webinar Slides

CA Toolkit Nov 2019


Advancing Financial Strength (AFS) 102: Using Performance Evaluation Profiles/County Aggregates

Posted: December 4, 2018

On November 9th, CCALAC hosted a webinar which provided a review of 2016-2017 aggregate financial and operational trends and metrics from AFS participant data compared to statewide, national, and recommended ranges to better understand how Capital Link’s performance evaluation profile measures financial and operational performance and highlights strengths, weaknesses, and potential opportunities for improvement. The webinar, slides and materials from this presentation are below:

AFS 102 Webinar Presentation Slides

National Trends Summary

California Performance Benchmarking Toolkit

AFS 102 Webinar


Using Data to Drive Improvement: Ongoing Monitoring to Inform Actions for Board Members Webinar

Posted: April 23, 2018

This webinar will describe the most important data and information for health center Boards to monitor to identify warning signs and opportunities to strengthen their operations. Building on the prior sessions, we will review key metrics to track and provide guidance on specific information Board members should request regularly from health center leadership.  We will also discuss best practices for performance improvement.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand early warning signs of financial, operational, or clinical weaknesses to boost health center sustainability and ensure access to high quality community based care.
  2. Access resources and samples to assist in tracking of financial and operational metrics, and developing actions from this information.
  3. Use information based on metrics from management and financial reports to boost strategic and operational agility.

Understanding the Health Center Business Model: Overview of Finance and Operations for Board Members

Posted: March 12, 2018

This webinar will provide board members with an understanding of their health center’s financial and operating model including revenue sources, performance drivers, and costs. Board members will learn how to use financial and management reports and tools to assess their health center’s performance against FQHC benchmarks and guidelines to enhance financial and clinical success.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand your health center’s financial and operating model.
  2. Identify important metrics to monitor and understand what they mean.
  3. Assess health center financial and operational performance to foster long-term success.

AFS 200 Series: Additional Trainings

Posted: February 14, 2017