Week of Events
Revenue Cycle Management with Capital Link
Revenue Cycle Management with Capital Link
The revenue cycle comprises processes other than billing and collecting. The billing department is often the focus of the revenue cycle process; however, many functions occur before the claim reaches the billing department to bill and collect on claims effectively. Factors that affect the health center’s ability to receive revenue for services rendered are often … Continue reading Revenue Cycle Management with Capital Link
Billing Professionals Roundtable
Billing Professionals Roundtable
Visit the Billing Professionals Roundtable page for more information.
Customer Service Training in Community Health Centers
Customer Service Training in Community Health Centers
Join us for a comprehensive training that will equip clinic staff to provide exceptional customer service to patients. The training will focus on the components of excellent customer service including the clinic culture, the patient experience and how to provide customer service when working with patients that engage in challenging behaviors. Attendees will learn how … Continue reading Customer Service Training in Community Health Centers
Human Resources Roundtable
Essential Access PATH Training
Essential Access PATH Training
The African American Infant and Maternal Mortality Prevention (AAIMM) Initiative is hosting a 1-hour provider training in partnership with Essential Access Health. This training will provide an overview of client-centered contraceptive and preconception counseling, and how to engage patients in affirming, unbiased, nonjudgmental conversations about sexual and reproductive health. Participants will learn about the new … Continue reading Essential Access PATH Training
Provider Training on Pre-conception Care + Screening: The P.A.T.H. Framework + Real Talk. Real Options. CAMPAIGN
Provider Training on Pre-conception Care + Screening: The P.A.T.H. Framework + Real Talk. Real Options. CAMPAIGN
AFRICAN AMERICAN INFANT AND MATERNAL MORTALITY (AAIMM) PREVENTION INITIATIVE AND ESSENTIAL ACCESS HEALTH PRESENT REAL TALK. REAL OPTIONS. Join us for a Free Provider Training on Pre-conception Care + Screening: The P.A.T.H. Framework + Real Talk. Real Options. Campaign This one-hour training designed for CCALAC members will provide an overview of client-centered contraceptive and preconception … Continue reading Provider Training on Pre-conception Care + Screening: The P.A.T.H. Framework + Real Talk. Real Options. CAMPAIGN