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Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County


Healthcare Disaster Management Training

LA General Medical Center 1200 North State Street, Rm 1350, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Does your healthcare facility need training on surge capacity management for natural hazards and chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) incidents? Join us for Healthcare Disaster Management Training, an in-depth two-day session that is a product of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Emergency Medical Services Agency’s Disaster Resource Center Program. This … Continue reading Healthcare Disaster Management Training


Relias User Group


The CCALAC Relias User Group meets on the second Friday of the month from 9:00am-10:00am. An additional 30 minutes is allocated for any technical assistance from 10:00am-10:30am and is optional. Please visit the Relias – Learning Management System page for more information.

JEDI Roundtable

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Change Management: Creating Equitable Community Health Centers


Change is hard, but constant, and even more so in our current environment. For decades, organizations have strived to “get it right,” but the truth is, two thirds of change initiatives fail. Creating impactful change is hard, and changing organizational culture is harder. This training intends to provide a road map to community health centers … Continue reading Change Management: Creating Equitable Community Health Centers


CalAIM Workgroup


To RSVP for this meeting, click HERE. Visit the CalAIM Workgroup Page for more information.

Motivational Interviewing (MI)

CCALAC 445 S Figueroa Street, Suite 2100, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a collaborative, person-centered communication style. MI skills were derived from clinical practitioners who demonstrated the importance of genuineness, rapport building, accurate empathy, understanding and acceptance of differing viewpoints with the purpose of identifying priorities and setting goals in pursuit of behavioral change. In accordance with the core values of counseling, MI … Continue reading Motivational Interviewing (MI)


Practicing Non-Violent Communication


Conversations about bias and discrimination can easily turn contentious and close opportunities for change when confronted in a way that provokes a fight or flight response (through fear, shame, or guilt). Non-violent communication recognizes that people are more open to new ideas and perspectives when they are rooted in building trust, empathy, safety, and appreciation. … Continue reading Practicing Non-Violent Communication


Relias User Group


The CCALAC Relias User Group meets on the second Friday of the month from 9:00am-10:00am. An additional 30 minutes is allocated for any technical assistance from 10:00am-10:30am and is optional. Please visit the Relias – Learning Management System page for more information.